This could bally-well be the last update on this fortune city page, with the formation of Freezzing Drizzle Records and Boxcar Hopper Ent. we have decided to move to a location more suitable for us serial killers
but worry not my fellow ninjas i'll leave a link to the new page from here so u won't have to learn the new one right away. As for Geocities we're still in the experimental stages, but we should have it up soon, I promise a much more entertaining experiences, theres only so much you can do with HTML with is the only language fortunecity lets me use (hosers). In this update you will find news that didn't make it on the flyer in the NEWS section and a major update to the "Thank Yous" page, if you know 2ghost you might just be there. If you don't you're fresh outta' luck bitch!